Over the past few years, God has clarified our mission:
Thoughtfully Inviting Broken People to Experience Transformation in Christ.

As a church, it is time for our Next Move in advancing the mission. Our goal is to raise $2.5 million so we can break ground on a new 9,000 square foot children’s facility and basketball court expansion.

As we make this Next Move, we are asking everyone at Seabreeze to prayerfully consider:

  1. Giving a one time gift by the end of the year.

  2. Making a contribution over your regular giving for the next three years.

You will have the opportunity to share what you plan to donate on Commitment Sunday on November 8th. You also have the option to sign a commitment form online by clicking the link below.

Next Move commitment Form

What are the Plans?

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Project

Q: What is the total cost of the construction project?

A: The cost for the new kids building and expansion of the basketball courts is $3.8 million. We are planning the source of those funds to come from a $2.5 million capital campaign and $1.3 million in cash that Seabreeze has been able to save for this project.

Q: When will construction begin and finish?

A: We are hoping to start construction in December. It will likely last about 9 months, so if everything goes to plan, we will be in the new Kids building by September 2021.

Q: Will we take on additional debt to fund this project?

A: We will secure a low interest short term loan that will allow us to pay construction costs while the capital campaign commitments come in. The loan will not exceed the amount planned so at the end of the project we will not have any extra debt.

Why During a Pandemic?

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Capital Campaign

Q: Why are we launching a capital campaign in the middle of a global pandemic?

A: In March of this year, we assumed that this project would be put on hold. Even though we had studied the financial feasibility of this project and had entered the approval process with the city, none of us predicted that we would experience a global pandemic. But God does not seem to have changed our direction or led us to stop. Instead, all indicators have been pointing toward God continuing to lead us to do this. God has given more vision for the importance of this project to leadership, many members of the church have shown their commitment to support the project, and the timing seems to be positioning us for the post pandemic season when we believe that many will be seeking God.

Q: How did we arrive at the current plans?

A: We have been working with a church consulting and architectural firm to help us think through the next 10 years of ministry at Seabreeze from a facilities perspective. The goal is to balance our parking, Kids, and Students facilities with our auditorium size.

Q: Does leadership think that “If we build it, they will come”?

A: No. Church buildings and beautiful campuses might get someone to take a second look, but they will not result in sustained growth and hearts changing. Church buildings are a very helpful tool that God uses to help us reach more people, but they are not the engine that drives real growth.

How We Can Get There

As you pray about giving, here are three helpful questions to consider:

Question 1: What can I reasonably give?

Most of us have a sense of what we might be able to give beyond our current, regular level of giving. Chances are this number comes to mind quickly. May this be the starting point for a prayerful consideration of how you will join in God's work.

Question 2: What would I be willing to sacrifice?

Ask yourself how you could reorganize the way you spend and prioritize your income. This involves searching your heart and thinking about how your money could be used for something greater and more enduring.

Question 3: What can I give through greater reliance upon God?

This question focuses on faith. What would it look like if your 3-year commitment caused you to rely on God in a greater capacity? When asked with humility and a genuine spirit, this question positions us to experience God's faithfulness in new ways.

Ways To Give

Cash or Check - You can place your gifts in the offering on Sunday mornings, or drop the gift in the mail during the week. Make checks out to Seabreeze Church and write "Next Move" in the memo line.

Online - Visit seabreezechurch.com/give to give through our website or set up "Bill Pay" through your online banking.

Stock Transfer - These tax-deductible gifts are donated directly from your account to a brokerage account set up by Seabreeze. We sell the stock and use the proceeds to fund the Next Move campaign.

Other - Some people might have annuities, vehicles, IRA distributions, land, and other valuable assets that can contribute to this campaign.

Frequently Asked Questions

About contributions

Q: When would I actually start contributing toward my commitment?

A: Commitment Sunday is November 8th. On that day we are asking everyone to let us know how much they plan to contribute to the campaign. You can give the one-time gift any time before the end of the year and your 3 year commitment will begin at the start of the year based on a frequency that works for you.

Q: Should I reduce my regular giving to give toward the campaign?

A: The $2.5 million is over and above regular giving, so this commitment is in addition to what you are already giving to Seabreeze.

Q: Can I change the amount of my commitment later?

A: Yes. None of us know what God has planned for us in the future. He may bless us financially beyond our imagination or take us through trials that challenge our resources.

Q: What if I have more questions?

A: Email Pastor Elliot at and he will help answer your questions.