Try Church this Easter

A Culture of Generosity

Give Now

Ways to Give


Make a one-time or recurring contribution through your bank account (ACH*), debit, or credit card.

*To reduce processing fees, give via an ACH transaction. We are only charged 30 cents for each ACH donation, no matter the amount.

Give Online


Make checks payable to "Seabreeze Church".

  • Place checks in the buckets or drop boxes available on Sunday mornings OR
  • Mail checks to Seabreeze Church at 18162 Gothard St, Huntington Beach, CA 92648.


Download the Seabreeze Mobile App.

Set up your profile to view and manage your giving. Select the "Give" button on the app to make a one-time contribution or set up a recurring one.

Download Mobile App

Contribute to Seabreeze by directly transferring shares of stock, a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), or other types of giving (401k, IRA, or other retirement assets). These methods of giving often have tax advantages for both you and the church. For assistance with this type of giving, please contact Lance Unrau, our Executive Pastor, at

What Does Your Giving Go To?

Check out the 2024 Year-End Update highlighting what God did through Seabreeze last year.

Previous Ministry Updates:

- September 2024 Ministry Update
- May 2024 Ministry Update
 - 2023 Year-End Report

Giving to Seabreeze not only supports our church and ministries but also the following partners:

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we give?

As a church, we believe in responding to the good news about Jesus by giving to support God’s work. Giving is about honoring God with what we’ve received. God owns everything and has given each of us resources, some more, some less. We are His stewards and managers and are accountable for how we manage what He has given us. As we steward what God has given us in a way that honors Him, He provides what we need and more. There is a connection between generosity and God’s provision. (2 Corinthians 9:10-12, Proverbs 11:24)

How should I decide what to give?

Two biblical principles are helpful when considering what to give: thoughtful giving and proportional giving.

Thoughtful Giving

2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give…" Notice that it’s "decided in your heart to give," not feel in your heart. You should not give out of emotion. It should be a clear, thoughtful decision about what to give. Biblical giving occurs when we decide to give and keep giving regardless of the emotions.

Proportional Giving

What percentage would keep our hearts moving toward God over time? If you ask us we’ll always shoot low because we want to keep as much of our money as we can. So God gives us a number. 10%. It’s called a tithe which means tenth (Leviticus 27:30). God and money are the top contenders for first place in our hearts (Luke 16:13). Money usually wins because we can easily see it and what it does for us. In order to give 10% you have to trust God to provide. God actually gave us permission to test Him in this (Malachi 3:10). Trust God with the first 10% of your income and keep track of how God provides for and blesses you.

What is tithing?

The Bible teaches us about a baseline standard for giving: the tithe (a word that literally means a “tenth”). Tithing is both an Old and New Testament principle. It was first observed by Abraham, who gave a tenth of everything to Melchizedek, the king of Salem and “priest of God Most High” (Genesis 14:16-20) after Abraham saved Lot and his relatives. Jesus affirmed the tithe in the New Testament (Matthew 23:23), telling the Pharisees not to neglect the tithe.

Principles of the Tithe:

  • Tithing means giving 10% of your income.
  • Tithing is off of the "first fruits," thus it is pre-tax (Proverbs 3:9-10).
  • Giving 10% is considered the baseline of giving, while more is encouraged, especially when needs or opportunities arise. Giving above the tithe is generally referred to as offerings. 
  • Tithing goes to the church. The Bible references bringing tithes and offerings to the temple and into God's storehouses (Malachi 3:10, Nehemiah 10:35, Leviticus 27:30). This is understood as places of worship, which aligns with local churches in the modern context. There are other New Testament passages about supporting the work of the church community and specifically those who "preach the gospel" (1 Corinthians 9:13-14). Non-profit giving is encouraged as long as it is an offering over and above the tithe to the church.

When we give the first 10% of our income through the local church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for God and others. God also encourages us to give offerings beyond our tithe to our local church and other organizations and causes.

What fund should I give to?

We currently have three different funds to give to: Tithes and Offerings, Next Move, and Next Move 2.0.

Tithes and Offerings

The Tithes and Offerings fund is the general fund for the church. Other special funds will open up as needs or opportunities arise, but this one remains the primary fund people give to. If another fund is not indicated, we assume a contribution is intended to go to the Tithes and Offerings fund.

Next Move

Next Move was a three-year campaign that funded the construction of the New Kid's Building and the renovation of the Student Auditorium and Hangout. This campaign ran for 3 years, ending on December 31, 2023. The fund has remained open to allow people time to fulfill their pledges who could not do so during the active campaign. For more information about this campaign, visit the Next Move webpage. To give to this fund, select "Next Move" as the fund online, circle the fund name on the giving envelopes, or write "Next Move" in the memo line of your check.

Next Move 2.0

Next Move 2.0 is a one-year capital campaign funding the renovation of church offices. It ends on December 31, 2024. People contribute to this fund if they pledged to give or if they want to be a part of giving towards that renovation effort. For more information about that campaign, visit the Next Move 2.0 webpage. To give to this fund, select "Next Move 2.0" as the fund online, circle the fund name on the giving envelopes, or write "Next Move 2.0" in the memo line of your check.

Should I give online via ACH or credit card?

Every online contribution incurs processing fees that the church pays our credit card processing company.

  • Direct bank account contributions (ACH) - Seabreeze is charged $0.30 per transaction, no matter the amount.
  • Credit card contributions (including debit cards) - Seabreeze is charged approximately 1.75% of the amount given for credit card contributions. This is an approximate amount as it is different for different credit cards. For example, MasterCard charges a much higher percentage than Visa.

If you give online, ACH is typically the best way, so the church incurs minimal processing fees.

Is online giving safe?

Yes. Whether you want to give a single gift, schedule recurring donations, or view your giving history, you can do it all online. It is quick, easy, and secure. Our giving platform (TouchPoint) maintains full Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance, which means your data is rigorously protected through the industry's strictest equipment safeguards and security protocols. That means you can give with confidence! You can access your giving records HERE

Will I receive a giving statement?

Yes, we provide an end-of-year giving statement to everyone who has given to the church in that calendar year. Our ability to provide you with this statement is based on having your most updated contact information. Please notify us of any changes. You can also access information about your giving any time using the button below. 

View Your Giving History

If I have a question about giving, who should I contact?

We welcome any questions you have! Reach out to Lance Unrau, our Executive Pastor, at You can also call the church office at 714-841-7622.

Additional helpful links