Construction Blog

Office Renovation - Flooring, Doors, and Final Inspections

by Lance Unrau on June 06, 2024

We are so close to moving into our new offices! The site is almost ready for us to start setting up. Over the last few weeks, the flooring, along with the T-bar tile and most of the doors, were successfully installed. The electrical work is in its final stages and will be completed this week. In the coming week, a few more doors will be installed, the paint will be touched up, and three final inspections - fire, mechanical, and electrical- are scheduled. If all goes well, the building final inspection is set for Monday, June 17.

Office furniture was dropped off this week, and a few growth groups are helping assemble those items tonight and Saturday morning. We plan to schedule a few days and times for the whole church to help with furniture assembly and move into the new offices. But we are waiting until all the final inspections are completed before scheduling those.

As we get near the end, please pray for...

  • Continued quality work and safety for those working on the project.
  • All the final inspections to pass (fire 6/12, electrical 6/13, mechanical 6/13, and building 6/17).
  • God to continue to provide financially. Last month and this month are when we are spending the most on construction. We are doing well financially, but you can continue to pray for God to sustain us financially.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Stay tuned for opportunities to help with the move-in. 

Check out these pictures from the site today:

Office Renovation - June 6, 2024

For more information about the office renovation project, check out the CONSTRUCTION BLOG.

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