It's been a busy construction site for the past few weeks, and we've made some good progress! T-bar lights and some specialty lights have been installed; fire sprinklers and alarms are completed; paintwork is finished; mechanical work is done; cabinets are installed; data cables are pulled and terminated. The main tasks remaining are:
- T-Bar grid inspection: We are on track to get the T-bar signed off next week.
- Lighting: The electricians plan to be finished by May 24th.
- Doors: Installation is scheduled for next week.
- Flooring: Installation is scheduled for the week of Memorial Day.
As we approach the final stages of this project, please continue to pray. Specifically, pray for (1) wisdom and endurance for the team leading this effort, (2) quality work from all the trades as they finish, and (3) inspections to go well. Check out photos of the site below.
Office Renovation - May 15, 2024
For more details about the project, visit the CONSTRUCTION BLOG.