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Construction Blog

Concrete, Pavers, and Nearing Project Completion

by Lance Unrau on October 28, 2021

We are just a little over a month away from our anticipated opening day, December 5th! There are still plenty of finishing touches to be done, but most major activities have been completed. 

Most of what has been done in the last few weeks is concrete, pavers, and flooring. We also got access to the new courts! Asphalt was going to go in this week, but due to the rain on Monday, the mud needs to dry, so next week the parking lot asphalt will be complete. Landscaping will also start next week. 

The week of November 15th, we should have access to the building! We are planning to have many opportunities that week for you to help put together furniture and get the building ready for the kids ministry to move in. Be on the lookout for those announcements. 

In the meantime, please be praying for a few items related to the project: 

  • Exterior Signage: We have one main Gothard-facing sign approved and being fabricated, but the two south-facing signs are not through the city submittal process yet. Please pray for expediency for everyone involved and that we could have those signs up for the opening day. 
  • Main Entry Door: This is scheduled to be installed in mid-November, but that is already a delay due to material shortages and shipping challenges. Please pray that it does in fact get installed mid-November.
  • Final Inspections: Final inspections will begin the week of November 8, so pray that those go well and everything gets buttoned up with the city. 

For more information about the kid's building construction check out the CONSTRUCTION BLOG

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