For the past three months, the staff has been working from the new offices and are getting more settled into the space every week. We’re truly grateful to have reached this stage! Being in close proximity to other staff members and volunteers has been so helpful.
Closing the Construction Books:
We have officially closed the books on the construction budget. The total cost, including architecture, consultants, construction, base furnishings, and equipment came to $955,000. This is 12% more than our budget at the beginning of construction, but we are in a good financial position, despite the additional cost. While we did dip into cash reserves, it was not as much as earlier projections had suggested.
We still need to buy or install some furnishings and equipment, but we plan to cover those costs from our operating budget. The items remaining to be purchased or installed include directional signage for the offices, a large table in the kitchenette area, a concrete path in part of the planter at the entrance, Ikea-type cabinets for the open office space, and décor for the general use spaces. We hope to be able to purchase these items as we have cash available.
Overall, we are grateful to close the construction books.
What Can You Do?
1. Continue to contribute to NextMove 2.0 and the General Offering
- $829,248 was committed to be given to NextMove 2.0, and $732,329 has been received from those commitments. That means just under $100,000 is left to be given!
- In case you weren’t here, or you’d like a reminder, here’s all the information about the NextMove 2.0 campaign: NextMove 2.0 Info
- If you want to contribute to Next Move 2.0, you can do so online using this button: Give
2. Help Finalize the Campus
- One of our goals is to finalize the campus by the end of 2024. Moving into the offices has provided space in other areas we want to optimize. We plan to optimize the old front office for storage, create a better green room for the band and speakers, establish a nursing moms’ room, and improve Upward basketball and hospitality storage.
- Richard, our Facilities Coordinator, is leading the charge on most of this work. We have established some regular times for people to help. Email Richard if you’re interested in helping! We’d love to have you join and help at any of the following time slots.
- Weekly: Every Tuesday from 9am-noon
- Bi-monthly: 2nd & 4th Mondays from 6-8pm
- Oct 14, Oct 28, Nov 11, Nov 25, Dec 9, Dec 23
- Monthly: 3rd Saturday from 8am-noon
- Oct 19, Nov 16, Dec 21
3. Pray
- As we settle into the new office space, I’d like to ask you to continue to pray. Here are some things to ask God for:
- The staff and volunteers to practice the Heart Attitudes in their work.
- The work in the offices to be done with diligence.
- For God to help the staff work as a team.
- That the staff is used by God to mobilize more people for ministry.
I am always blown away by the generosity and care from the people of Seabreeze. Thank you for being a part of the office construction journey over the last eighteen months!
If you've missed any of the construction updates along the way, check out the CONSTRUCTION BLOG.