
Women's Breakfast

by Seabreeze Church on October 23, 2019

On Saturday, October 12th, the women of Seabreeze were treated to an inspiring and delicious event. We had a delightful breakfast of burritos, muffins, pastries, and fruits. It was a time to gather with old friends and meet new ones. The atmosphere was feminine with fresh flowers at every table. It made me glad to be a woman!

Women eating breakfast

After our feast, we were treated to inspirational testimonies by two beautiful and brave young women. They spoke of personal struggles that we all face every day. Tears flowed through the audience as we heard them share. We also laughed along with one of them when she compared her situation to a recent home repair that went askew. An experienced lady at our table remarked about how she still learned something, even at her age. 

Speaker at a breakfast

It was a poignant learning experience for me too. These two young, beautiful moms have wonderful families that are admired by all who know them. But that day they reminded us that no one is perfect and that we all have our crosses to bear. We are fortunate to have the perfect one, Jesus, to help us through difficult times no matter how tough or how many. He has promised to take on our difficulties and give us the strength to go on.

Despite hearing about their struggles, these women left me feeling hopeful. The good news is if we turn our worries over to our Lord, we will always have the strength and hope that He has promised to us.

-- Carole Davis, Seabreeze Member

Tags: breakfast, women, testimonies

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