
Seabreeze Ministry Highlight: Moms4Moms!

by Seabreeze Church on May 02, 2019

Moms4Moms is one the many ministries here at Seabreeze, and it is a great way for you to get connected with other women!

When you show up for Moms4Moms, you can expect a welcoming environment, great snacks and coffee, and time to get to know other moms. Yesterday we met for our “Coffee & Connect” meeting, where we shared with each other about ideas of activities to do this summer with our families. It was helpful for all in attendance, and fun too!

On Wednesday, May 15, you are welcome to join us as we hear from a speaker about “Technology and Your Family: Questions to Ask in the Digital Age.” We think this topic will be helpful for you and your family as you try to wisely interact with the internet in your everyday life. All of the Moms4Moms meetings are in the Warehouse in the Kids Building from 9:30-11:30am, and free childcare is provided! You can find out more about upcoming meetings, as well as Park Play Dates at local Huntington Beach parks, by going to our website.

Tags: m4m, moms4moms

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