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Pathfinder Church - Update from Rachael

August 01, 2024

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to update you on how my trip in Reno is going so far, with some of the highlights and a few pictures. As many of you know, I have been helping with the new church plant, Pathfinder Church in Reno, Nevada. I'll be out here for seven weeks as part of an internship after graduating from The Antioch Project. Here I am on Day One with Scott and Penny.

One of the goals for this summer has been to spread awareness and let people in Reno know that a new church is here. With this goal in mind, Pathfinder is hosting over 20 meet-up groups with different activities. I had the chance to check out the chess club, pickleball, board games, and the cookbook meet-up. At each event, I’ve had the opportunity to invite people to Pathfinder Church and hear their personal stories. It’s amazing to see how God is bringing people who are searching. My prayer is that God would soften their hearts to see the benefits of our community. Another way we are meeting people is by setting up a free coffee and water station in the park. We try to start conversations with people and invite them to check out the church. During my first week in Reno, I hosted a table in Idlewild Park.

We had church in the park, where a friend I met on a walk, Kayla, attended for the first time! My prayer is that she continues to investigate Pathfinder Church. 

The 4th of July provided a full day of opportunity to connect with people. We kicked off the day with coffee in the park, followed by an outreach event where we shuttled people around the city after their river float. Our friends from Stone Arbor Church (one of the 17:6 Network Churches) came and helped us with the different outreach opportunities. It was a great way to connect with the Reno community and offer some help. Later in the evening, we enjoyed the spectacular fireworks display at the Nugget in Downtown Reno.

Friday nights in Idlewild Park are another opportunity for outreach and are a blast with about 50 food trucks offering a variety of delicious food and drinks. We’re incorporating interactive activities each week to engage with people. Our first week, Joseph showed everyone how to juggle, which was a big hit!

I have just one week left in Reno, and here are a few ways you can be praying:

  • Pathfinder's Makers Camp for Kids: This is the last outreach event I will be a part of. The event kicks off on August 2nd. A team of 20 high schoolers from Church in the Valley and Stone Arbor, both churches in the 17:6 Network, are coming to help with the event. We're praying for 75 kids to sign up and that all the details come together smoothly.
  • Relating in real life: I've made connections with three women during my time here in Reno. Praying that God would continue to soften their hearts towards Him and that they would lean into the community of Pathfinder.

Thanks for your prayers and support!

Rachael Ringer

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