
Easter Invite Basket Update

by Joanna Steinhaus on April 16, 2019

Over the past month, the Seabreeze community has been personally inviting their friends, neighbors, and co-workers to an Easter service by using the Easter Invite Baskets! The purpose behind these baskets was to create a thoughtful and personalized way to invite the people in our lives to Seabreeze.

A total of 415 baskets were taken over the last four Sunday mornings! We’re praying that many people will come to know Christ through these invitations and we encourage you to continue inviting the people in your life. Below are some encouraging stories that may give you some inspiration!

During announcements on Sunday, some examples of Easter Invite Baskets were shared and that got one family thinking about how they could show love to their neighbors. They were able to get their young daughter involved in the process of inviting and praying for their neighbors to attend a service too! As a family, they went to the store and picked out items that they thought their neighbors would particularly enjoy. One neighbor had recently gotten a new puppy, so they included dog treats in the basket and invited them to Easter! Their neighbors were very grateful for the treats and thanked them multiple times. 

Another family decided to give a basket with a dog toy to all their neighbors who have dogs! They thought that personal touch would mean a lot to each of them.

One woman included some Easter treats in her basket and took it to a local business where she knew the owners. Because they have a toddler, they were glad to hear that our kid’s services included fun activities like an Easter Egg Hunt and a Magic Show!

One family included some nice hand soap in their baskets since they knew their neighbors would appreciate using it.

Another woman had already been praying specifically for 3 of her neighbors and wanted to take the next step to invite them. She was a bit nervous but having the basket made it much easier, and her neighbors were appreciative and grateful! She’s not sure if they’ll come on Sunday, but is encouraged that a seed has now been planted.

Another family decided to start a new family tradition inspired by the Easter Invite Baskets. Their kids really enjoyed filling the baskets with treats and figuring out who they wanted to invite. The whole family walked around their neighborhood and their daughter delivered each one. The neighbors were touched!

Our Seabreeze community has really embraced thoughtfully inviting our friends and neighbors—I am excited to see how God works through these and many other thoughtful invitations. Looking forward to seeing you all this Easter Sunday!

Joanna Steinhaus
Outreach & Serving Director

Tags: easter, outreach, invite, basket

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