
5 Ways to Invite to Easter

by Makena Crowe on March 23, 2022

Spring brings with it sunnier days and the hope of summer soon to come. We can get caught up looking to summer as our days are filled with many responsibilities. In the midst of the enjoying better weather and longing for summer, we as Christians look to an even greater hope of Easter during this season. At Easter we take time to pause and celebrate the sacrifice of Christ dying on the cross for our sins, and resurrecting three days later.  

The Easter season is a unique time of year when those who don’t normally go to church are open to attending a service. There is a sense of tradition in it. That is why we design our services to be a clear and creative presentation of the Easter story. People can hear the message of the good news of Jesus in a way that is memorable, impactful and hopefully sparks curiosity. We desire to see people from the community come to this service and hear what God has offered all of us through the death and resurrection of Jesus.  

I am really looking forward to our Easter services! I wanted to share some ideas of how you could invite people to an Easter service this year. Our mission as a church is “Thoughtfully inviting broken people to experience transformation in Christ.” I hope some of the ideas will help you thoughtfully invite your family and friends to Easter. I’m planning to make a few easter baskets of candy with the paper invites in them to share with my friends and family!  

1. Invites

Take some hardcopy invites, share this photo invite on your social media, or make it your phone background to remind you to invite people. There will be invites on the tables towards the entrances of the auditorium. Give them to people as it makes sense throughout your day - neighbors, coworkers, waiters, bank tellers! 

2. Website

Tell people to go to and look for the alert bar at the top for more info. This will appear on every page of our website through Easter. You can also tell people to Google Seabreeze Church, and they'll find us that way too.  

3. Text

Text them a link to the Easter webpage and let them know what service you’ll be attending! 

4. Facebook

Go to the Easter Facebook event page and mark "going..." and then share the event with your friends. 

5. Youtube

Share this YouTube video! You can text it to people or share it on social media. 

These are just a few ways to help you thoughtfully invite your friends and family to Easter. I'm looking forward to spending Easter celebrating with you! 

Tags: easter, easter invite, easter invitation

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